It's something people often forget, but you should have your chimneys swept on a regular basis. Whatever type of fuel you burn, deposits can build up inside the chimney and you should have it cleared by a sweep at least once a year. When soot and ash collects inside the chimney, it restricts the flow of air and can make the fire less efficient. The deposits can even catch fire, causing a potentially hazardous chimney fire. Chimney pots are popular places for birds to build their nests and a sweep will also clear these out, along with any other debris that has gathered.
In Victorian times, it was small boys who climbed up chimneys to clear them but today it's a highly professional job which is usually done with no mess at all. Sweeps don't only clean, but may also be able to spot any other problems with the chimney, too. What's more, chimney sweeps are meant to bring good luck, which is why they were traditionally paid to turn up at weddings, so you can have a clean chimney and some good fortune thrown in!
We can recommend sweeps at Westcombes as well as advising on the right sort of fire and fuel for your home - visit our website at for more information.
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