Wednesday, 29 February 2012

The woodburning stove car heater...

Woodburning stoves are ever more popular, but the idea of installing one to heat your car was certainly new to us!  Faced with icy temperatures during the winter, one Swiss German guy decided that by far the most effective way to heat his Volvo would be to install a woodburning stove in the car - and so he did just that... The sight of him driving through the snow with a blazing stove in his car and a chimney poking out of the roof is quite interesting - take a look here!

Our installers can't put stoves into your Volvo, but will be able to help if you want a stove in a more normal setting in your home or office - contact us for information about our huge range of woodburning stoves approved by DEFRA for use in London's smoke control zone.

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